I guess she lost her panties in a wildfire, yo.
I guess she lost her panties in a wildfire, yo.
Wish other Newgrounds artists drew dreidel art more often!
Thank you!
Yeah it'd be nice to see more dreidels.
If they reboot her cartoon too they better not fuck it up like the Backyardigans and the Wonder Pets! >:(
Looks like he needs a wash. 🧼🧈
I feel ya! And it kinda does suck enemies like the Houndeye was cut from Half Life 2. (Same with the Cremator) hopefully they could change that and add them in Half Life 3. I actually been hearing TONS of news of a 3rd one and I sure got great hopes for it. Just gotta keep praying that Valve means it this time! 🤩
Omg right??? When I played Half Life 2 I was thinking about that!! Aaaaa I was really excited recently to hear about the potential of HL3 actually being a thing, keeping my fingers crossed haha! It would be super cool to see the houndeye in half life 3, I miss definitely them xD
Both edgy and badass!
And this "Someone" is a GENIUS!
Lovely! I wish Summer Prime had more decent art for her too, ya know?
Elf-Alien types.
Always a plus!
Joined on 8/6/21